8 May 2013

Tricks to get facebook likes for Free

There are many websites in the world which helps us to earn free likes in facebook for your status updates, photos , comment likes , post likes , fan page likes etc..

I'm quoting here some of them which can be useful to you.

Use them and increase your likes to maximum and shock your friends.

You will get 50 free credits for joining the sites and they will be credited immediately in your account after you do certain task. You can use those credits  to get free twitter followers and also for Facebook pages likes.

Note : Most of the websites like "likerr.eu" uses facebook application for signing up your account so after you get your desired likes or share please think of removing those apps from having accessing your facebook account.
Other wise they may use your account to sell likes to other users .
Facebook apps can be easily removed by going to Account settings --> Apps --> Show all Apps  or directly by going to https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=applications from your account


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